Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sick days

I didn't think I would start my first post on a day when I am ill, but hey, why not!  This is certainly relevant to working mothers.  I'm there to take care of the family when one of them is ill, but who is there to take care of me?  My husband 'does me a favor' of staying later in the morning to take the two older ones to school.  Don't get me wrong, this is much appreciated. He is self-employed, as am I, so there are no paid sick days for us.  He doesn't have a boss to call and tell him he can't come in because he has to take care of the baby since his wife is busy barfing.
But still, it would have been nice for him to have offered to stay at home.  I managed in the end, sort of.  My mom was nice enough to take a day off work and help out, but I had to come to her place so she could "do things". 
I suppose I'm just annoyed that it is one more thing to have to deal with.  There are no givens.  When hubby is sick, he doesn't have to worry about who will get the kids to school, pick them up, do the shopping, etc. But when I'm not bringing in enough dough to help support the family, there are comments made.  How do others do it all?
They don't.  You can't.  You may think you do, but you don't.  You can't have a great career/job that brings in a nice salary and still be able to take a week off to care for one of your kids who has to stay home from school, or come, with notice of just the night before, to your daughter's morning assembly to see her receive an achievement award.
So, while I'm just rambling and maybe not making much sense, I will eventually get there.

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