Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Will It Ever End?

Question: How old do you have to be until your family stops criticizing everything you do?
Answer: It never will stop.

I am almost 39 years old, and am criticized by someone in my family on at least a weekly basis for one thing or another.  It really doesn't matter how many times I may have been criticized before for the same alleged infringement.  It also doesn't matter how many good deeds I may have done prior to a specific transgression; and I have definitely done my share of good deeds.  I will be accused of offending, of not living up to a particular expectation (an expectation based on what exactly, I'm not sure), and/or in some way of proving myself to be ungrateful, inconsiderate, unsupportive, you name it.

I am almost 39 years old.  This is who I am: the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the giving, the selfish and whatever other adjective you would like to tack on to me.  I most likely will not change.  And, quite honestly, expect for a few instances here and there, I do not think I need to change; at least not in my behavior towards others, including (and especially) toward my family.

In my most humble opinion, I have earned the right to a criticism reprieve.

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